Kuhn GMD 50 TL Series » Western Implement, Colorado
grand junction

2919 North Ave.
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Closed Call Us: 970-242-7960 Get Directions
monrose img

4520 North Townsend Ave.
Montrose, CO 81401
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Closed Call Us: 970-252-1311 Get Directions

GMD 50 TL Series

KUHN GMD 50 TL Series trailed disc mowers cut more acres per hour and offer simple adjustments, low maintenance, and dependable grass cutting. These trailed mowers provide easier tractor attachment, as well as cutterbar flotation and contour following, compared to fully-mounted models.

The trailed design also lowers the tractor ballast requirement, allowing use with smaller tractors, while maintaining excellent stability both at work and in transport. These mowers are the logical, practical alternative to mounted disc mower and “caddy” combinations.

The GMD TL models provide easy hook-and-go attachment that gets them in the field faster. The Optidisc® cutterbar, with differential disc spacing, ensures a clean cut, even in challenging conditions. This cutterbar is also “lubed for life”, decreasing overall maintenance requirements. Protectadrive® cutterbar protection provides unsurpassed reliability and these machines have improved suspension with greater adjustability. Get quality and reliability, along with outstanding support and maximum resale value, from the pioneer in disc mower technology and the world’s leading implement manufacturer.

Farm & Ranch Supplies

Our hardware department offers a wide selection of STIHL Power Equipment, fencing, irrigation supplies, and quality power and hand tools. We also have a full-service tack shop and western clothing department. So as you can see we are your one-stop-shop for all of your farming, ranching, and residential needs. Plus, we service all of the equipment we sell in our small engine repair shop. Our mechanics hold several certifications including STIHL silver or gold, Honda, Kohler, Briggs and ExMark.